How to Choose The Right Clothes for Your Dog

Every dog owner has considered, at least once, to get dog apparel. No matter the breed of dog you have, the idea of dressing your pet seems fun. But, even though you’re seeing all those cute jumpers, jackets, raincoats and boots, their main purpose isn’t to make the dog look adorable. Dog clothes have one main purpose – keeping the animal warm and dry. If you’re looking for a few pieces of clothing for your pet, there are several things to have in mind. Before you get anything, this is what you need to consider.

Types of Dog Clothes

dog running and looking at camera

The type of clothes you want to buy for your dog depends mainly on the breed of dog you have. For instance, if you have a small dog such as Chihuahua that has trouble staying warm on its own, you should seek warm clothes such as hoodies, jumpers or winter jackets. A Siberian Samoyed, for example, doesn’t need clothes to stay warm in autumn or winter. Sure, your tiny doggo may look even cuter when you dress them up, but the main purpose is to keep them warm and protected.
So, based on this need, make sure to choose the clothes you want for your pet.


dog in a coat

Dog coats are made to protect the dog from rain and snow and to keep them warm if their coat isn’t thick enough. Some dog coats come with elastic around the legs or under the tail, while others can be buttoned like a regular coat for humans.  Make sure to pick the right size for the body type of your dog. Your dog must be able to move freely in the coat. Dog clothes should not feel too tight or too loose; either variant will make the dog feel uncomfortable. Make sure there is a suitable opening around the tail, so your dog can move it, but also do their business when you’re outside.


dogs in a jumpers

Put a sweater on your dog during the colder days. These are meant for dog brees that have thin coats like Frenchies, Pugs, Chihuahuas or other small breeds. Even though most pet owners choose jumpers for outdoors, your dog can wear this piece of clothing even at home. This can be very helpful for puppies or older dogs who have problems with circulation.

Paw Protectors and Boots

dog in boots

Even though it seems crazy to put boots or paw protectors on your dog, these accessories are quite a necessary thing. In case your dog has an injured paw or the weather is extremely cold (the streets are icy), the paw protectors or boots will keep your dog’s paws safe. This way they won’t have to deal with painful walks over ce, cold snow or rain and will keep their injury protected from dirt and debris.
Make sure to get non-slip paw protectors that will provide your dog with extra grip. This can be quite helpful for older dogs that have trouble walking.

Dress-up Costume

dog in dress up costume

Dog love fun and dog owners like to include their pets in all their activities. Halloween isn’t an exception. You can find many dress-up costumes for dogs. So, if you need a sidekick who will follow you during your trick or treat or while you watch spooky movies, it’s time to seek a costume for your doggo. Dress-up costumes are also popular for dog shows. You can choose any type of costume you want, just make sure it feels comfortable and fits your dog’s body well.

Choose Fitted Dog Apparel

Fitted Dog Apparel

Dogs are animals and no matter how much they love you and play with you, they might not feel very happy if you force them to wear apparel that feels too tight and makes them feel uncomfortable. Too loose clothes may cause them trouble walking or running, so they could easily trip and fall. Consider the size and weight of your dog, and stick to these measurements. After all, your dog should be protected from the elements and enjoy any outdoor activities just like any other day.

Consider How It’s Made

dog material

There shouldn’t be any parts of the clothing that will make your dog itchy or irritated. The clothes should be made to fit and made of suitable materials. If you’re choosing raincoats or coats that should keep your dog warm in the winter months, go for water-proof materials that are easy to clean.

If your dog has any coat or skin issues, make sure to get clothes made of natural fabrics like cotton or wool. If you aren’t sure about the materials, you can always consult with your vet. And last, but not least, choose materials that can be washed in the machine.

Make Sure It’s Easy to Wear

easy to wear dog clothes

Let’s not forget that dogs are just animals and are not used to clothes. Don’t be surprised if your dog refuses to collaborate when you try to put clothes on them. It could be frustrating, but you should not force anything. This is why it’s important to buy clothes for dogs that are easy to wear. It’s best to train them with clothes that you can just put on them, such as cloaks. Also, consider how the clothes will affect the dog’s harness or collar. This is very important since you don’t want your dog to feel trapped and have trouble walking.

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